Borderlands The Pre Sequel Slot Machine Glitch
Just figured out the issue. The loot items from the slot machine seems to level with the main quest only. The last main quest I did was something like level 15 so I kept getting level 13 items even though I did a crap ton of side quests. Now that I have moved forward a bit the slot machine is giving out level appropriate items.

Borderlands The Pre Sequel Download
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel came out just a few days ago to mixed reviews. Some criticized it for sticking too closely to a known formula and others praised the title for bringing another great experience to our living rooms. Regardless of any controversy, it appears that the game is quite popular, as it's achieved the #1 spot on Steam's best seller list today.
These are the results of spinning the Slot Machines from Borderlands 2 at Moxxxis 22,362 times: Pie Chart: Detailed Results (Combination, Prize, Number of Spins, Percentage) from most frequently occurring to most rarely occurring: TOTAL SPINS: 22,362 2 Same Symbols With Bell (Cash) 5216 (23.33%) No Match 4708 (21.05%). You can spend cash at the slot machines in Moxxi's bar, just like in Borderlands 2. It is random and a lot of times you don't get anything good, but if you're lucky, you can roll 3 vault symbols in a row and get a legendary that way. Vending Machine. When buying from vending machines, there is a special item on the right that.
Youtuber ZiggyD has recently started a list of the Grinder recipes available to you in game and is asking for you to send him any that you find. He'll add these to his compendium for all to see, so it should benefit the Borderlands community a great deal. The current list of weapon recipes is as follows:
Legendary Item | 2 Legendaries + 1 Purple Item | Purple Item Dictates Legendary Base Type. Lowest Level Determines Level. Moonstone grinding can produce Luneshine Legendaries! |
Go Up One Rarity Tier (Same Item Type) | 3 Items of the Same Type & Rarity | Works from Green to Purple. Without moonstone, chance to give some rarity back. |
Go Up One Rarity Tier (Random Item Type) | 3 Different Items of the Same Rarity | Also works for 2 of one type and 1 of another. |
Purple Item | 3 Blue Unique Items | |
Rocket Launcher | 2 Weapons and 1 Grenade Mod | |
Sniper Rifle | Shotgun + Assault Rifle + Shield | |
Assault Rifle | SMG + Sniper + Shield | |
Shotgun | SMG + Pistol + Shield | |
SMG | Assault Rifle + Pistol + Shield |
Borderlands The Pre Sequel Cheats
Also part of ZiggyD's list is a guide to locations of Unique and Legendary items.
Type | Rarity | Name | Location |
Pistol | Unique Blue | Gwen's Other Head | The Industry facility inside of a locked safe |
Launcher | Legendary | Thingy | Iwajira Secret Boss |
Launcher | Legendary | Nukem | Flame Knuckle Boss |
Shield | Legendary | Prismatic Bulwark | Zarpedon Boss |
Sniper | Legendary | Longnail | Sentinel Final Boss (Unconfirmed) |
Laser Rifle | Legendary | The ZX-1 | Sentinel Final Boss & Maybe Zarpedon? |
We're sure more recipes will soon be added, so keep an eye out for additions to the compendium. Given the huge number of different gun combinations and recipes in the first two Borderlands games, we're sure this is only the beginning.

While you're here, why not check out the leaked character DLC that was revealed yesterday?
Be sure to check out our other guides for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Unlimited Moonstones Exploit Guide
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Excalibastard Guide
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Disabling Splash Screen and Startup Movies Guide
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Gun Duplication Exploit Guide